Friday, November 20, 2015

Hero Factory MOC Mecha #4

Length: 6 1/2 inches or 17 cm
Width: 6 inches or 15 cm
Height: 9 inched or 23 cm 

Level: S

- Sword with high frequency and can cut through anything
- Shield with high frequency and can be thrown and return to Furno's mecha shoulder
- A hook launcher on the back of Furno's mecha

Bio: Introducing Furno's mecha. Furno's mecha is a warrior time. It is like Bulk's mecha but different. Furno mecha is like a knight but different. His sword has high frequency producing fire,ice and green lighting. His shield is also high frequency and can be thrown and return back. Furno's mecha is a trump card. Protects his teammates and their mecha. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Hero Factory MOC Mecha #3

Length: 10 inches or 8 cm
Width: 8 inches or 18 cm
Height: 8 inches or 21 cm

Level: C


- Fire Blaster
- Launch Shooter
- Spin Arrow Cannons
- Jet Pack

Bio: Introducing Surge's mecha.  His mecha has the ability to fly. Has a blaster on its right arm shooting fire. Its left arm has a shooter shooting sticky stuff. The jet pack helps Surge's mecha to fly.  The mecha's spin arrow cannons on its shoulders producing heatwaves. Similar to Bulk's mecha heat spike shoulders. Surge's mecha is a flying type that allows him to shoot and fly to aid his friends.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Hero Factory MOC Mecha #2

Length: 7 1/2 inches or 20 cm
Width: 7 inches or 18 cm
Height: 8 inches or 20 cm

Level: A

- Has two punching arms. One representing Fire and the other representing Ice.
- Shooters on both shoulders
- the Red spikes contains powerful heatwave
- Has a drill and missiles on its back
- Grabbers on the front to hold and catch something

Bio: Introducing Bulk's mecha. His mecha maybe small but it is fast and tough as iron. His mecha is durable for combat. His mecha's feets helped him jump high. Can use his punching arms to crush anything. The arms punch both fire and ice when it hits its opponents. His red rock spikes can activate heat waves which can melt anything. Bulk's mecha is not like Evo's mecha. The reason of this is that Bulk's mecha can double punch with about one minute. Has less weapons then Evo's mecha but able to fight the creatures invading his cities.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Hero Factory MOC Mecha #1

Length: 9 1/2 inches or 23 cm
Width: 3 1/2 inches or 8 cm
Height: 10 1/2 inches or 26 cm

Level: A

- Blade Blaster (Fire and Ice)
- Launchers
- Fang
- Blades Shooting Fire
- Chainsaws on hands

Bio: This is a new mecha for the Hero Factory to fight against invaders from below. It can also used for battling other creatures too. This mecha is the second version of Evo's XL Machine. This machine has been modified to attack any creature that comes its way. It is armored from any attack. Its arms has pincers and blasters shooting fire and ice on monsters. Has fire piercing, launchers and lasers in the center. The machine can withstand anything that goes in its way. Evo's mecha is durable to any environment. It is capable of defeating the creatures from below. The mecha's weakness is that it moves slow. Can move fast when the creature are about to strike Evo's mecha.

Monday, November 16, 2015

LEGO Creation Notice

This is a Notice in LEGO Creation. Sorry did not post much in my blog. Will post my creation as soon as possible. Come visit my other blog Bionicle 2015 Review about the 2015 version of Bionicle and MOCs using them.

If you guys have questions. Comment in my Facebook page LEGO Creation or Google + LEGO Creation.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Gundam Wing OZ-13MS Gundam Epyon MOC

Gundam Wing Epyon MOC 

This is a MOC I made from a Gundam series called Gundam Wing. Made one of the Gundam name Epyon.

Gundam Wing : Epyon

MS Mode

MOC Version





MA Mode

MOC Version






Saturday, March 7, 2015

Fallen Angel 2: Adam

Adam is a fallen angel like his brother Abram. Him and his brother Abram were affected in different time and Makuta's leeches. Abram was a av-matoran who was wondering in Karda-Nui. He was a guard who protects his kind. After he was guarding, the Makuta's infected him. Adam begin to change screaming in pain. He begin to change with power surging inside him. Adam begin producing wings, claws and other features. The Makuta's then take him to their lair. Before they were about to do it, Abram comes in and attack them. The Makuta's fled and left Adam away. Adam begin to wake up and saw Abram. "Who are you?" said Adam. "I am Abram. An I am like you" said Abram. "What had the Makuta's done to me?" said Adam. "They turn you into a fallen av matoran or I could say fallen angel." Screaming in pain "How can I change back" say Adam. "There isn't a way" said Abram. "How can this be?" said Adam. "Listening to me. I know this is bad. But just listen." said Abram. Adam stopped and listen. Abram then told Adam about his life. When Adam heard this, he begin to accept it. He then join Abram and begin protecting his kind from the Makuta's. His level is 70 - 80. He is a class Y. His height is 130 inches, length is 60 inches and width is 50 inches. His weapons are claw blades. Adam has wings to produce storms and can strike his victims easily.

Fallen Angel: Abram

Abram is a falling angel. He was the first of the matoran to be affect by the Makuta's leeches. He was once a matoran who live in Karda Nui. Abram maybe be affect but inside he is good. He didn't follow the Makuta Brother Hood but went away never to be seen. The Makuta's never find him so they begin doing their daily business in effecting the av-matorans. While the Makuta's were doing their daily work, they didn't know that Abram was watching them with his invisibility.  He then sneak away to think of a way to stop the Makuta's. When the Makuta's begin effecting the av-matorans, they were strike like rocks in and instant. The Makuta's were shock and couldn't move. Out of nowhere, Abram came out of his invisibility. One of the Makuta say "Why did you attack us?" "You are effecting my kind. You Makuta's should be destroyed." said Abram. Abram then killed the Makuta's and disappear before the av-matorans see them. Abram was never seen in Kardui Nui. Rumors say he is watching his kind and protecting them from the Makuta's. His level is 100 - 120. He is a class Z. His height is 116 inches, length 70 inches, and width is 60 inches. His weapons are wings of blade, claws of poison, blade of thunder, and shield blade blaster. Has the power of invisibility and can produce lighting with his wings. A warrior and a dark angel protecting his av-matoran.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

CyberWarrior: Ahmad

Ahmad is a CyberWarrior. He wasn't a cyberwarrior in the past. In fact he was a matoran in Metru Nui. His name wasn't Ahmad but called Saywa. Saywa lives in the region of Fire. He was the master of great inventions. When he was building a new invention. He was killed in an accident by a metal cup of lava. Saywa was barely alive. Some his members found him. They don't know what to do but they began finding a way. They know it isn't right but they begin doing it. He was then modified and upgraded in different ways. Sawya woke up and begin screaming. He scream with great anger. Sawya yelled at his people of what he become. His people said he was upgraded in a powerful way and to protect the matorans from evil. He was mad but find that he will be able to protect his people. His people then said will you protect us. He said yes. Sawya then said but don't called me Sawya anymore. Called me Ahmad. His level is 80 - 90. He is a class Y. His height is 110 inches, length is 80 inches, and width 90 inches. His weapons are poison claws, launchers,and glider blades. His features and abilities is he is the master of elements, claw with poison, launcher shooting elements and gliders to make him fly fast in the speed of sound. A cyber warrior with honor and protector of the matorans.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Tokyo Ghoul MOC

Tokyo Ghoul MOC

I made a LEGO project from an anime Tokyo Ghoul. 
Showing Ken Kaneki's and Hinami Fueguchi.

LEGO Ghoul

Kaneki's Kagune : Rinkaku

Ken Kaneki

Hinami's Kagune : Rinkaku/Koukaku

Hinami Fueguchi

Monday, January 19, 2015

Lone Warrior: Pride

Pride is a lone warrior. He is the master of many weapons he hold. His name wasn't pride. In the past he was a lonely boy with no name. He was than found by a stranger and was taken to the icy mountains. He was then called pride because of his actions. Pride was train with many weapons in the mountains. He was than called the Wolf master of Weapons. Meaning as the lone warrior.  He is a Class Z a formidable warrior who strikes his enemies in and instant. His level is 90 - 100 so it shows he is a Class Z. His height is 30 inches, length is 14 inches, and width 12 inches. Pride travels the world but was never been seen. A warrior who wants to be alone and to show he is mightier than other warriors he faces.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Hexapoda Raptor

Hexapoda Raptor is a creature that lives underground. The beast has dark skin. It is blind but has veins on its shoulders to make it see. Has sharp claws to strike its enemies. Its feet has talons with poison. Allows its to jump high and make it move fast. The creature is bodied armored meaning the creature cannot be defeated. The back of it gives strong signal to its kind when it is in trouble. The quaza on its head and shoulders give it tremendous power. Quaza allows it to move fast in the speed of light. The creature is a Class Z and its level is 90 - 100. This shows how dangerous the creature is. Its height is 38 inches, length 18 inches and width is 14 inches. Now a days this creature is know where to been seen. No one knows where it is but rumors say that it lives in the mountains, caves or underground mines.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Hi, my name is SingKoonChoo. I will be talking about the MOC Creations I build. I have uploading video MOCs I've made a while. But will he able to do more in my blog and my website SingKoonChooLEGOCREATION0909.