Saturday, March 7, 2015

Fallen Angel: Abram

Abram is a falling angel. He was the first of the matoran to be affect by the Makuta's leeches. He was once a matoran who live in Karda Nui. Abram maybe be affect but inside he is good. He didn't follow the Makuta Brother Hood but went away never to be seen. The Makuta's never find him so they begin doing their daily business in effecting the av-matorans. While the Makuta's were doing their daily work, they didn't know that Abram was watching them with his invisibility.  He then sneak away to think of a way to stop the Makuta's. When the Makuta's begin effecting the av-matorans, they were strike like rocks in and instant. The Makuta's were shock and couldn't move. Out of nowhere, Abram came out of his invisibility. One of the Makuta say "Why did you attack us?" "You are effecting my kind. You Makuta's should be destroyed." said Abram. Abram then killed the Makuta's and disappear before the av-matorans see them. Abram was never seen in Kardui Nui. Rumors say he is watching his kind and protecting them from the Makuta's. His level is 100 - 120. He is a class Z. His height is 116 inches, length 70 inches, and width is 60 inches. His weapons are wings of blade, claws of poison, blade of thunder, and shield blade blaster. Has the power of invisibility and can produce lighting with his wings. A warrior and a dark angel protecting his av-matoran.

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