Wednesday, March 4, 2015

CyberWarrior: Ahmad

Ahmad is a CyberWarrior. He wasn't a cyberwarrior in the past. In fact he was a matoran in Metru Nui. His name wasn't Ahmad but called Saywa. Saywa lives in the region of Fire. He was the master of great inventions. When he was building a new invention. He was killed in an accident by a metal cup of lava. Saywa was barely alive. Some his members found him. They don't know what to do but they began finding a way. They know it isn't right but they begin doing it. He was then modified and upgraded in different ways. Sawya woke up and begin screaming. He scream with great anger. Sawya yelled at his people of what he become. His people said he was upgraded in a powerful way and to protect the matorans from evil. He was mad but find that he will be able to protect his people. His people then said will you protect us. He said yes. Sawya then said but don't called me Sawya anymore. Called me Ahmad. His level is 80 - 90. He is a class Y. His height is 110 inches, length is 80 inches, and width 90 inches. His weapons are poison claws, launchers,and glider blades. His features and abilities is he is the master of elements, claw with poison, launcher shooting elements and gliders to make him fly fast in the speed of sound. A cyber warrior with honor and protector of the matorans.

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