Saturday, March 7, 2015

Fallen Angel 2: Adam

Adam is a fallen angel like his brother Abram. Him and his brother Abram were affected in different time and Makuta's leeches. Abram was a av-matoran who was wondering in Karda-Nui. He was a guard who protects his kind. After he was guarding, the Makuta's infected him. Adam begin to change screaming in pain. He begin to change with power surging inside him. Adam begin producing wings, claws and other features. The Makuta's then take him to their lair. Before they were about to do it, Abram comes in and attack them. The Makuta's fled and left Adam away. Adam begin to wake up and saw Abram. "Who are you?" said Adam. "I am Abram. An I am like you" said Abram. "What had the Makuta's done to me?" said Adam. "They turn you into a fallen av matoran or I could say fallen angel." Screaming in pain "How can I change back" say Adam. "There isn't a way" said Abram. "How can this be?" said Adam. "Listening to me. I know this is bad. But just listen." said Abram. Adam stopped and listen. Abram then told Adam about his life. When Adam heard this, he begin to accept it. He then join Abram and begin protecting his kind from the Makuta's. His level is 70 - 80. He is a class Y. His height is 130 inches, length is 60 inches and width is 50 inches. His weapons are claw blades. Adam has wings to produce storms and can strike his victims easily.

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